Friday, September 5, 2014

How to find good stories online for free

It can be difficult to find good books to read in the M/M genre, especially when you are looking for genre-style stories, so I thought I'd offer a few good links for places to look for that sort of story. The best three sites I've found are Goodreads, Fiction Press, and Archive of Our Own, though there are many others out there.


Goodreads is a lovely site with so many things to offer. There are special groups for you to chat about specific genres or even specific authors or books, and then there are the lists. All help you connect to others who enjoyed the same book you did, and which might have lists of other books of the same sort for you to try. Obviously, not all the books you will find here are free, but there are many that are, and even if they're not, you can always put them on your Amazon wishlist for later.

Some good places to check on Goodreads:
Obviously, this is in no way a comprehensive list, but it'll give you a good place to start.

Fiction Press

Fiction Press is the original work sister site to, and works in basically the same way as the fanfiction site, up to and including groups. Obviously, groups can include anything the moderator decides, and there are many groups that focus on slash stories.

Some groups to look into:
Again, nowhere near a comprehensive list, but all of the above lists have over a hundred story links each. Certainly plenty to choose from.

Archive of Our Own (AO3)

Though AO3 mainly has Fanfiction, some original stories do make it onto the archive.

Some tags good for finding original stories:
Most of these will be generally filled with fanfiction, so you will have to do a lot more digging than at the other two sites (unless you don't mind fanfiction, which is fine, too), but there's still plenty there to be found, and it's well worth looking.

Other Sites

There are plenty of other sites out there as well. You never know what you might find.

Some places I've found other works:
  • Gay Authors - a forum that specifically hosts stories about LGBT characters.
  • Smashwords - has books for free as well as those for a price.
  • Adult Fan Fiction - lots of stories here, though the quality is not always the best.
  • Nifty Archive - featuring all sorts of LGBT stories.
There are others out there, but those are the main ones. There's always Amazon, too, though that can be tough given the filters they have in place. But hopefully that will give everyone a good list to pull from. Good luck, and happy reading!

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