Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fan Fiction Downloader

One of the first things I did once I got my Kindle was find ways to download free stories online I thought I might like (including a lot of fan fiction), especially from AO3. But AO3 is still such a relatively new site compared to some others, that I knew I wasn't getting nearly what I could, so I did a search to find out how others downloaded things from the web. The first thing I found to try was a little program called Fan Fiction Downloader.It quickly became my second-favorite way to download free stories from the web.

The program is a simple one. Just download it and follow their instructions, then start it up and go to the first page of a story on one of the sites they cover, copy the address, and bam, it starts to download to your computer. Of course, you still need to transfer it to your kindle, but it definitely makes the number of stories you can access multiply by the thousands, regardless of what you're looking for.

While their list of sites is short, just the fact that they include both and it's sister site Fiction Press means that the number of stories you can access are in the millions. It also accesses Adult Fan, which increases that number by quite a bit more. The full list of sites they access and what exactly they access is here. While their list does include AO3, AO3's own accessibility includes a download link for Mobi (Kindle), EPub, PDF, and Html. So unless you are having problems with their version on your e-reader, I would recommend using AO3's links instead of using this downloader.

Otherwise, I highly recommend this program. It definitely increased the amount of stories I had access to on my Kindle. And enjoy, everyone!

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